One of the things I love about fancy GUI interfaces, is that they work as long as things are easy, and always fail at the critical moments. Downloading a 4 GB video clip from my Canon 500D to a Fedora 12, using the File Manager (nautilus?) was no different. As usual, when I plugged in [...]
I simulate models outside of the Xilinx’ IDE (known as ISE), since the simulation is textual anyhow. Besides, running regression tests without being sure the simulation settings are repeated exactly is a good way to waste time every time the mouse clicks without our full awareness. Anyhow, my problem was that I instantiated a Xilinx [...]
Each and every time you use the Curves function in GIMP 2.6, it saves that setting, and labels it with the time it was used. The same color curve can then be used again, just by recognizing the time in the Presets drop-down menu within the Curves dialog box. This is a great feature, since [...]
OK, so the board designer just sent me an updated schematics of the design. Are there any changes? Comparing the schematics itself is hopeless. So I’ll compare the PCAD netfiles (those with a .NET extension). I mean, they are simple text files, after all. The problem is that Orcad feels free to change the order [...]
This is a short note about how to make small manipulations in executables or DLLs in order to get rid of malware behaviour. For example, if some application pops up a dialog box which I’d like to eliminate. It can also be the final step in cracking (which is very recommended as an educational experience). [...]
Linux has ltrace. Windows has…? I was looking for applications to trace DLL calls, so I could tell why a certain application goes wrong. The classic way is to get hints from library calls. Or system calls. Or both. In the beginning, I was turned down by they idea, that most trackers only support those [...]
I just bought a DigiPro 5″/4″ drawing tablet to run with my Fedora 12. When plugging it in, the system recognized it, but every time I touched the tablet with the stylus pen, the cursor went to the upper left corner. Clicks worked OK, but it looked like the system needed to know the tablet’s [...]
This is a short note about how to get rid of cellulitis on natural skin, using GIMP 2.6 (will most likely work on earlier versions as well). The truth is that I don’t really understand why this works, but it fixed a nasty case of ugly skin texture in a low key photo. The trick [...]
One of the nice things about upgrading software, is not only that there are a lot of new, confusing and useless features, but also that things that used to work in the past don’t anymore. At best, features which one used a lot have completely disappeared. Upgrading to Fedora 12, with its GIMP 2.6, was [...]
Having a pretty large state machine, I wanted the states enumerated automatically. Or at least not do the counting by hand. I mean, doing it once is maybe bearable, but what if I’ll want to insert a new state in the future? So what I was after is something like module main_state #(parameter ST_start = [...]