Google Pixel 6 Pro: Limiting the battery’s charge level

Introduction This post is a spin-off from another post of mine. It’s the result of my wish to limit the battery’s charge level, so it doesn’t turn into a balloon again. I’ve written this post in chronological order (i.e. in the order that I found out things). If you’re here for the “what do I [...]

Android: Compiling and running a Java command-line utility

This is a failure This post is a messy collection of things I wrote down as I tried to make a simple Java command-line (as in adb shell) utility for making a change in the device’s config settings. It’s one of several attempts I’ve made to stop the automatic hibernation of unused app, as discussion [...]

Android 12: Turning off revocation of permissions of unused apps

No solution, yet This post summarizes my failed attempt to get rid of the said nuisance. Actually, I was successful, but the success was short-lived: The fix that I suggest here gets reverted by the system soon enough. I expect to get back to this, in particular if I find a way to do either [...]

Android 12: Preventing System Update (and that nagging popup window)

Android is not my profession I just want to say this first: I do completely different things for living. I’m not an Android expert, the last time I wrote code in Java was 20 years ago, and what’s written below is really not professional information nor advice. This is the stuff I found out while [...]

Ramblings on setting up my Google Pixel 6 Pro

Introduction I bought a Google Pixel 6 Pro (P6P henceforth) a few months ago, and as always, I write down what I do as I do it. The result is below. I hope this will never be useful for myself, because if it does, it means I had the phone completely reset, and not I’m [...]

adb, fastboot and ssh and other system stuff on Google Pixel 6 Pro

About this messy post As I rooted my Google Pixel 6 Pro, there were a few things to get in place on my Linux Mint 19 machine. These are random notes I took as I went along. Install ADB and fastboot # apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot So that was easy. Next, opening the phone for [...]

Rooting a Google Pixel 6 Pro: An embedded Linux guy’s notes

Introduction These are my notes to future self on rooting a Google Pixel 6 Pro. For reasons I’ll explain below, there’s a good chance I’ll find interest in this topic every now and then. Being a Linux guy, who isn’t very fond of smartphones in general, I consider my Android phone a small Linux computer, [...]

dmesg output of a Google Pixel 6 Pro

Just in case this helps anyone, this is the output of the dmesg command. The phone was rooted with Magisk, or else how would I get this? But at this stage, I hadn’t install Zygisk or any other module to hide the fact that the phone is rooted. Note that there’s also logcat for the [...]

LG G4 internals: My messy jots

Introduction These are my really messy jots as I tried out things with my LG G4 H815 phone (Android 5.1, kernel 3.10.49, software version V10e-ISR-COM from Aug 17, 2015, not locked to any specific network). I usually try to get the post tidy so it becomes some kind of how-to post, but this time I [...]

Using exiftool to manually create a Google Map / Waze link from a JPG’s GPS position

If you’re into Linux, and you ever find yourself in a place you’d like to return to with Waze (in the middle of some road, or some not-so-well-mapped village, a campus etc.), just take a photo with your cellular. Assuming that it stores the GPS info. Alternatively, the “My GPS Coordinates” Android app can be [...]