systemd: Shut down computer at a certain uptime

Motivation Paid-per-time cloud services. I don’t want to forget one of those running, just to get a fat bill at the end of the month. And if the intended use is short sessions anyhow, make sure that the machine shuts down by itself after a given amount of time. Just make sure that a shutdown [...]

Some notes on how an air conditioner works

I’m not an AC guy. Not at all. But I do own an Tadiran Wave INV 40/3 installed 2016, and then I had some issues with it. In hindsight, there was some real kind of problem a few years ago, and the rest of the problems were because the AC guy that came to fix [...]

Apache 2.4: RewriteRule with [NE] causing 500 Internal Server Error

This is the weirdest thing. With an Apache 2.4.10 on Linux Debian 8 (yes, old), and a relatively simple mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess going RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC] RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L,NE] This is really nothing special. Just pushing users to the www host name, if they were lazy typing it. This works almost perfectly, [...]

Systemd services as cronjobs: No process runs away

But why? Cronjobs typically consists of a single utility which we’re pretty confident about. Even if it takes quite some time to complete (updatedb, for example), there’s always a simple story, a single task to complete with a known beginning and end. If the task involves a shell script that calls a few utilities, that [...]

Perl + DBI: Measuring the time of database queries

It’s often desired to know how much wall clock time the SQL queries take. As with Perl, there’s more than one way to do it. This is a simple way, which involves overriding DBI’s execute() method, so it measures the time and issues a warn() with basic caller info and the time in milliseconds. The [...]