The PCF file: Xilinx timing constraints as the tools understood them

One of the problems with setting up timing constraints in the UCF file, is to be sure that you got the right elements in, and kept the unnecessary ones out. Suppose I wrote something like NET “the_clock” TNM_NET = “tnm_ctrl_clk”; TIMESPEC “TS_ctrl_clk” = PERIOD “tnm_ctrl_clk” 40 ns HIGH 50 %; What logic element does it [...]

Using Perl to map FPGA pins from a board design to UCF pin constraints

One of the things I try to avoid as an FPGA engineer, is to manually configure the pin constraints (in the UCF file) in order to tell the tools which FPGA pin is connected to what. Not only is this extremely boring, but I also think that getting it done right (at the first go) [...]

Xilinx’ XST synthesizer bug: ROM generation using case

Take a close look on the Verilog code below. This is a plainly-written synchronous ROM. Do you see anything wrong with it? (Spoiler: There is nothing wrong with it. Not that I know of) module coeffs   (    clk, en,    addr, data    );    input clk, en;    input [9:0] addr;    [...]

Xilinx FPGA MPPR script

I reached that point, at which place and route sometimes met timing, and sometimes it didn’t. It was all a matter of playing with the placer cost table number. The FPGA guy’s gambling for lucky numbers. The ISE tool (Xilinx’ native IDE) supports an feature called Multi-Phase Place and Route (MPPR for short), which basically [...]

FPGA Editor video tutorial

Having made several FPGA projects for my clients, I’ve learned that most of them are reluctant to use the Xilinx FPGA Editor. While most seem to realize that’s it’s a valuable tool, few really grasp the enormous advantage it offers, in particular when debugging FPGA designs: The possibilities to view the FPGA down to the [...]

Verilog FPGA module for programming CDCE906/CDCE706/CDC906/CDC706 clock synthesizer over SMBus/I2C/IIC

Somewhere in 2006 TI (Texas Instruments) released a clock synthesizer, CDCE906, which is pretty much everything one can look for in a system clock generator: Several (up to 6) clock outputs derived from a single reference clock or crystal with excellent multiplication and division capabilities, not to mention low jitter, slew rate control, spread spectrum [...]


Perlilog is a command-line tool which generates Verilog modules from a set of files, which come in several other formats. It was originally designed to integrate Verilog IP cores. It’s released as free software (GPL). Motivation: Anyone who has needed to integrate a few Verilog modules into something working, knows it’s a headache. It’s not [...]