Apache 2.4: RewriteRule with [NE] causing 500 Internal Server Error

This post was written by eli on January 23, 2021
Posted Under: Internet,Server admin

This is the weirdest thing. With an Apache 2.4.10 on Linux Debian 8 (yes, old), and a relatively simple mod_rewrite rule in .htaccess going

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) https://www.mysite.com/$1 [R=301,L,NE]

This is really nothing special. Just pushing users to the www host name, if they were lazy typing it.

This works almost perfectly, but then I have this thing about trying odd stuff. So I get an internal server error when I request the page https://mysite.com/%01, but not mysite.com/%1 and not mysite.com/%20. In other words, I get a server error when there’s a legal percent-escape of a character in the %01-%1f range. Not with %00, and not with %20 and up, and not when there’s just one digit. It’s really a matter of a proper percent escape.

This %-escape doesn’t have to be in the beginning of the string. https://mysite.com/mything%01.html is equally offensive. But it appears like a “?” neutralizes the problem — there is no server error if a “?” appeared before the offending %-escape. Recall that characters after a “?” are normally not escaped.

And of course, there is no problem accessing https://www.mysite.com/mything%01.html (getting a 404, but fine), as the rule doesn’t come to effect.

The internal server error leaves no traces in neither the error log nor the access log. So there’s no hint there. Neither in the journalctl log. No process dies either.

The problem is clearly the NE flag (marked red above), telling mod_rewrite not to escape the the string it rewrites. Why this is an issue is beyond me. I could try asking in forums and such, but I have hunch on the chances getting an answer.

Exactly the same behavior is observed when this rule is in an Apache configuration file (in <Virtualhost> context).

So I just dropped the NE flag. Actually, this is a note to self explaining why I did it.

One could argue that it’s pretty harmless to get an error on really weird URL requests, however often a serious vulnerability begins with something that just went a little wrong. So I prefer to stay away.

If anyone has insights on this matter, please comment below. Maybe it has been silently fixed in later versions of Apache?

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