Booting Vivado / EDK mixed FSBL on Zynq-7000

This post was written by eli on July 2, 2014
Posted Under: ARM,FPGA,Vivado,Zynq


This is yet another war story about making the FSBL boot on a Zynq processor.

I had prepared an FSBL for a certain target using SDK 14.6, and then someone needed it in a Vivado package, using the SDK attached to Vivado 2014.1. In a perfect world, I would have exported the system’s configuration from XPS 14.6 to Vivado as an XML file, and generated the FSBL there. But experience shows that nothing really guarantees that the processor’s configuration will be adopted correctly in Vivado. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen that Vivado imports some parameters, and others are ignored.

But hey, I could just copy the existing FSBL source files to a new workspace in the target SDK? After all, it’s just C code!

This is in fact possible, going File > Import… > General > Existing Projects into Workspace. Then navigate to the path of the original project’s workspace. And don’t forget marking “Copy projects into workspace” so that the old one can be moved or deleted. A popup will allow selecting which projects to import, and it’s done!

Well, not. Selecting the three projects in an FSBL source set (fsbl, fsbl_bsp and system_hw_platform) will indeed create a fresh FSBL project, but it fails compiling (saying that it can’t find libxilffs as required by the -lxilffs or something like that).

To work around this, I imported only the system_hw_platform project, and generated the FSBL project in Vivado’s SDK, as usual: File > New > Application Project. Set the name to “fsbl”, make sure that the underlying hardware project it system_hw_platform. Click “Next” and pick “Zynq FSBL” as the template.

This makes sense, because the FSBL project relies on the C sources that were generated when XPS exported the project to SDK. So the hardware configuration remains correct, and the FSBL is new. No reason why this shouldn’t work, in theory.

The project compiled right away, and an fsbl.elf was ready for mixing into a boot.bin file.

Hurray! Not. It didn’t boot.

Despair not

The immediate measure for these cases in compiling the FSBL with the -DFSBL_DEBUG compilation parameter (which defines the FSBL_DEBUG compilation variable, turning on debug messages). With some luck, something informative will show up on the serial console, even if it appeared dead before.

I was one of those lucky bas#$%*s. I got:

PS7_INIT_FAIL : PS7 initialization successful
FSBL Status = 0xA012

Hmmm… That sounds like a mixed-up error message. It failed because it was successful? Well, in fact, the message itself represents the confusion causing the problem.

The FSBL status 0xA012 is returned when the call to ps7_init() fails in main.c. Or more precisely, when the returned value isn’t FSBL_PS7_INIT_SUCCESS. By the way, the FSBL generated by SDK 14.6 doesn’t even bother to check the return value of ps7_init(), but that’s irrelevant here.

Anyhow, note that ps7_init() is defined in the system_hw_platform, which consists of sources generated by XPS 14.6, but called by the FSBL, which was generated by Vivado.

This is a bit delicate, because ps7_init() returns PS7_INIT_SUCCESS when successful (see ps7_init.c), which happens to be defined in ps7_init.h as

#define PS7_INIT_SUCCESS   (0)    // 0 is success in good old C

and non-zero values meaning failure. This is the classic UNIX convention.

For some reason, this is what one finds in fsbl.h:


In short: FSBL_PS7_INIT_SUCCESS=1, PS7_INIT_SUCCESS=0. A problem indeed.

So this is a direct consequence of mixing an old hardware project with a new FSBL. They changed the error code values somewhere in the middle.


The clean way to fix this is defining NEW_PS7_ERR_CODE during compilation. The less clean method is just remove this #ifdef statement and leave it as


And with this FSBL booted correctly and all was well.

I know that getting the FSBL to boot is a recurring problem. Please don’t turn to me for help if your board doesn’t boot — there’s no secret trick, just good old debugging that takes time and effort.

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