Introduction After installing Vivado 2014.1 on my laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bits), I went for license activation. All I wanted was a plain node-locked license. Not a server, and not a floating one. Baseline. Xilinx abandoned the good old certificate licensing in favor of activation licensing. That is causing some headaches lately… Going through [...]
Random notes playing with MuseScore 0.9.6 (pun not intended): Installation (after grabbing the RPM file from the web): # yum install –nogpgcheck MuseScore-0.9.6-1.fc12.x86_64.rpm Which installs the file with no signature. Somewhat dangerous in theory, as the RPM could in theory contain malicious code (as if a signature helps in this case). The command line for [...]
… go though any gitk window on the desktop, and click on it, to release it from some unexpected GUI state. Just wanted that written down for the next time I try to select a segment in XEmacs or the gnome-terminal window, and the selection goes away as I release the mouse button.
Just a few jots on handling packages in Ubuntu. This post is a true mess. Pinning The bottom line seems to be not to use the Software Updater, but instead go # apt-get upgrade How to prevent certain packages from being updated, based upon this Pinning Howto page and the Apt Preferences page which cover [...]
Overview Having a Lenovo Yoga 2 13″ (non-pro) running Ubuntu 14.04.1, I couldn’t get Wireless LAN up and running, as the WLAN NIC appeared to be “hardware locked”. This is the summary of how I solved this issue. If you’re not interested in the gory details, you may jump right to bottom, where I offer [...]
The idea is to take a mail that has already been send (and is hence in the “sent” folder and send it again with sendmail. Why? In my case the idea is that Thunderbird and sendmail connect to different relay servers, and the one used by Thunderbird 3.0.7 is blacklisted by the destination (I got [...]
Running Xillinux on the Zybo board, this is how I toggled a GPIO pin from a plain one-liner bash script in Linux. The same technique can be used for other Zynq-7000 boards (Zedboard in particular) to easily control GPIO pins. First, I looked up which GPIO pin it is. The pin assignments can be found [...]
So I installed Vivado on my Centos 6.5 64-bit Linux machine, and even though it promised to install icons on my desktop, it didn’t. This is how I installed them manually. There is surely a simpler way, as the special launch bash scripts I created must be somewhere. But I didn’t bother looking. So it [...]
While trying to use executables from one ARM-based distribution to another, it failed to run, even before trying to load any libraries. The ARM architectures were compatible (armhf in both cases) so it wasn’t like I was trying to run an Intel binary on an ARM. I could always cross-compile from sources, but copying binaries [...]
Introduction These are my rather messy notes as I set up a wireless access point on my desktop (Fedora 12) running a home-compiled 3.12.20 Linux kernel. Somewhere below (see “Rubbish starts here”) I’ve added things that I tried out but lead nowhere. Beware. I began with two USB dongles, 8188EU and 8192CU. I got 8188EU [...]