Trying to running Vivado 2017.3 with GUI and all on a remote host with X forwarding, i.e. $ ssh -X mycomputer setting the environment with $ . /path/to/Vivado/2017.3/ it failed with $ vivado & terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::runtime_error’ what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid Now here’s the odd thing: The error message [...]
Introduction Xilinx’ documentation says that XC7Z007S, among other “S” devices, is a single-core device, as opposed to, for example, its older brother XC7Z010, which is dual-core. So I compared several aspects of the PS part of a Z007S vs. Z010, and to my astonishment, I found that Z007S is exactly the same: Two CPUs are [...]
Introduction Whenever a PLL is used in a design to generate one clock from another, it’s quite common to expect the timing tools to figure out the frequencies and timing relations between the different clocks. With Intel’s Quartus tools, this isn’t the case by default. A derive_pll_clocks command is required in the SDC constraints file [...]
TL;DR DMA writes from a Cyclone 10 GX PCIe interface may be lost, probably due to a path that isn’t timed properly by the fitter. This has been observed with Quartus Prime Version 17.1.0 Build 240 SJ Pro Edition, and the official Cyclone 10 GX development board. A wider impact is likely, possibly on Arria [...]
Command-line? Yes, it much more convenient than the GUI programmer. Programming an FPGA is a repeated task, always the same file to the same FPGA on the same board connected to the computer. And somehow the GUI programming tools turn it into a daunting ceremony (and sometimes even a quiz, when it can’t tell exactly [...]
Introduction This post is an expansion for another post of mine, which deals with register I/O packing. It’s recommended reading that one first. Timing constraining of I/O ports is typically intended to ensure timing relations between an external clock and the timing of signals that are clocked by this clock (or derived from this clock, [...]
Introduction I needed to run Synplify Pro for a short trial period on my Fedora 12 machine (yup, it’s 2018, and still). And I have a full Mint 18.1 as a chroot jail on that machine for installing contemporary software. So these are my notes on the go. Consider everything below as run om Mint [...]
Introduction Connecting an Intel FPGA (Altera) Cyclone V’s Native Transceiver IP to a USB 3.0 channel (which involves a -5000 ppm Spread Spectrum modulation), I got a significant bit error rate and what appeared to be occasional losses of lock. Suspecting that the CDR didn’t catch up with the frequency modulation, I wanted to try [...]
Introduction The natural thing to do when an FPGA design fails timing is to take a detailed look at the critical paths, based upon a timing report showing the logic elements and their delays of this path. If you’re not a heavy user of Intel’s FPGAs (a.k.a. Altera), it may not be so trivial to [...]
Introduction I needed the Cyclone V Transceiver Native PHY IP Core inside QSys. Why? Actually, part of a failed attempt to find solve a compilation error. The IP is available in Quartus 15.1′s IP Catalog, but inside the same toolkit’s QSys it doesn’t appear in the list of IPs. As discussed in this forum thread, [...]