The said board, which is Xilinx’ official development kit for Kintex-7, has an LCD which can be taken off. Its pins can then be used as plain testpoints for logic. These are the placement constraint for this use (Vivado XDC style): set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y10 [get_ports tp[0]]; # LCD_DB7, pin 1 set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA11 [get_ports tp[1]]; [...]
Introduction I tend to naturally assume that newer FPGAs will perform better in basically everything, and that the heavier hammers are always better. Specifically, I expect the GTX / GTH / GT-whatever to perform better with the newer FPGAs (not just higher rates, but simply work better) and that their equalizers will be able to [...]
Introduction Unlike Firefox, Google Chrome doesn’t allow editing passwords (at least not the version I have, and it seems like this feature will be added). One possible workaround is to enable Google Sync for passwords, and have those stored on the server: It’s possible to edit the passwords at If you have no problem [...]