ImageMagick convert to scale jpgs + failing to crop correctly?

Instead of using my scanner, I put my cell phone on some kind of stand, and shot a lot of paper documents (voice activation is a blessing). But then the files are unnecessarily large. Don’t need all that resolution. So $ for i in * ; do convert “$i” -scale ’33%’ -quality 75 “smaller/scan_$i” ; [...]

USB 3.0 device compliance test notes

Introduction While implementing Xillybus‘ USB 3.0 general purpose IP core for FPGAs, I found the USB Implementers Forum’s compliance tool handy, yet somewhat quirky, for verifying I got things right. It was USB3CV version, running on Windows 10 @32 bit. The 64 bit version works the same (I’ve tested it as well). A GPLed [...]

Linux: Writing a Windows MBR instead of grub

On a test computer, I use /dev/sda1 to contain whatever operating system I need for the moment. At some point, I installed Linux Mint 19.1 properly on that partition, and then I wanted to return to Windows 10. After writing the Windows 10 image to /dev/sda1, I got a message from grub saying it didn’t [...]

Plumbing notes (yes, really plumbing)

Introduction FPGA and Linux and all that hi-tech stuff is nice, but nothing compares to the self pride of getting a simple plumbing job done right. So this time it was about installing a pressure gauge under a bathroom sink, between the water outlet for the faucet’s cold water and the faucet itself. No need [...]