Altera NIOS II jots

About this post These are things I wrote down at different stages of introducing myself to Nios II and its environment. Nothing really consistent nor necessarily the right way to do things. Jots Open Qsys. Follow this post. Went for Nios II classic, used Nios/e (no Hardware multiplication, as the target device doesn’t have it. [...]

Remote Update from ECPQ flash on Altera Cyclone IV

Introduction This post relates to Altera (or should I say Intel FPGA?) Cyclone IV FPGAs loaded from an ECPQ flash in Active Serial x 1 (AS x 1) mode. Things written below are probably relevant to other Altera FPGAs as well, but keep in mind that Cyclone IV FPGAs have several peculiarities you won’t find [...]

Quartus/Linux: Setting PATH and environment for command-line

The classic way: $ export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=/path/to/altera/15.1/quartus $ . $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/adm/ Or open a shell (will set path, but not a full environment): $ /path/to/altera/15.1/nios2eds/ This is good for compiling for NIOS etc.