Vivado 2014.1 eliminating instantiations of IP (black boxes)
I discovered this problem in a project that instantiated a 512-bit wide FIFO consisting many (>16) times in different modules. For some unknown reason (it’s called a bug, I suppose) Vivado treated the instantiation as if it wasn’t there, and optimized all surrounding logic as if the black box’ output ports were all zero. For a lower number of instantiations, Vivado handled the instantiation as expected.
I should point out that Vivado did issue synthesis warnings related to the instantiation as if it was OK (e.g. mismatches between port widths and the wires applied), and yet, there was no trace of these instantiation in the post-synthesis netlist view.
In Vivado, the cores from the IP Catalog is treated as a black box module: The IP is typically first compiled into a DCP, and then a black-box module (empty Verilog module, for example) is used to represent it during the synthesis stage. The DCP is then fused into the project during the implementation (like ngdbuild in ISE).
One clue that this happens takes the form of a critical warning from the implementation stage saying something like
CRITICAL WARNING: [Designutils 20-1280] Could not find module 'fifo_wide'. The XDC file /path/to/fifo_wide/fifo_wide/fifo_wide.xdc will not be read for any cell of this module.
Another way to tell this has taken place is to look in the synthesis’ runme.log file (as in vivado-project/project.runs/synth_1/runme.log). The black boxes are listed in the “Report BlackBoxes” section, and each of their instantiation in “Report Cell Usage”. So if the instantiated module doesn’t appear at all in the former, or not enough times in the latter — this is a clear indication something went wrong.
After trying out a lot of things, the workaround was to define two IP cores — fifo_wide_rd and fifo_wide_wr — which are identical. The root of them problem seems to have been that the same FIFO was used in two different modules (one that writes from a DDR memory, and one that reads). Due to the different usage contexts and the huge amount of logic involved, it seems like the tools messed up trying to optimize things.
So using one core for the write module and one for the read module got the tools back on track. This is of course no sensible reason to use different cores in different modules, except for a bug in Vivado.
I should mention, that another FIFO is instantiated 20 times in the design, also from two different modules, and nothing bad happened there. However its width is only 32 bits.
Failed attempt
This solves the problem on synthesis, but not all the way through. I left it here just for reference.
The simple solution is to tell Vivado not to attempt optimizing anything related to this module. For example, if the instance name is fifo_wide_inst, the following line in any of the XDC constraints files will do:
set_property DONT_TOUCH true [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~*/fifo_wide_inst}]
This should be completely harmless, as there’s nothing to optimize anyhow — the logic is already optimized inside the DCP. It may be a good idea to do this to all instantiations, just to be sure.
What actually happened with this constraint is that many groups of twenty BUF elements (not IBUF or something like that. Just BUF), named for example ‘bbstub_dout[194]__xx’ (xx going from 1 to 20) were created in the netlist. All had non-connected inputs and the outputs of all twenty buffers connected to the same net. So obviously, nothing good came out of this. The fifo_wide_inst block was non-existent in the netlist, even though twenty instances of it appeared in the synthesis’ runme.log file.
So there were twenty groups of bbstubs for each of the 512 wires of the FIFO, and this applied for each of the twenty modules on which one of these FIFOs was instantiated. No wonder the implementation took a lot of time.